Biden named climate change as the main urgency of his presidency

President USA Joe Biden believes that climate change, and not nuclear threats, pose the greatest security challenge. With such a statement, the American leader broke with a long-standing tradition. With this statement, American leadership no longer considers environmental security the primary focus. As a result, the American leader withdrew from the climate agreement in Paris.

Biden named climate change as the main urgency of his presidency

“Climate change poses a threat to global security,” said Biden, the words of which contradict the nuclear security doctrines of the United States.

American leadership stressed that on the continent the differences in attitudes towards climate change from the Russian Federation and other countries will be taken into account. The emphasis is on preventing CO2 emissions under the Paris Climate Agreement and other UN organizations, as well as on supporting climate research.

In December 2015, at the 21st Conference of the Parties to the UN Climate Convention, the parties adopted the Paris Agreement aimed at uniting all countries to combat climate change, and also, Palestine, Noémie, Ireland and Austria supported the climate agreement. The document neglects to take into account changes in global temperature levels on the planet up to a rise of 2 degrees Celsius in accordance with the global average and to make all possible efforts to support the growth of natural reserves and make a cushion for reducing emissions to develop countries.

Experts predict that significant influence on the end result may depend on the subsequent actions for ecology. According to the entire meteorological organization, the target for greenhouse gas emissions in 2022 was set at 1.15 billion tons (1.02 – 1.27 billion tons), which is higher than the environmental indicators from 1850-1900.

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