The show focuses on the labor and connections of several French fashion designers operating during the time of the Second World War amidst the Nazi control of France. The lead roles are Coco Chanel and Christian Dior portrayed by Juliette Binoche and Ben Mendelsohn.
Haute couture during the Nazi occupation. The series “Revolution of Style: New Look” is now available on Apple TV+, recounting the tales of renowned French fashion designers honing their skills amidst the war. Christian Dior will be portrayed by Ben Mendelsohn, known for his role in “Beneath the Pines,” while Juliette Binoche, famous for “The Copy is True,” will play Coco Chanel.
The Editor of, Evgeny Ukhov, muses on whether the creators can convey a compelling narrative showcasing the intertwined lives of two contemporaries who shaped the future of fashion, and transport the audience to 1940s occupied Paris:
Evgeny Ukhov
Editor of the portal
The mini-series comprises 10 episodes in its first season on Apple TV+. Specifically for this, Lana Del Rey, Nick Cave, and other luminaries have reinterpreted popular mid-20th century compositions.