What does the future hold for electric scooters, bicycles, and rollerblades in light of the increasing number of road accidents?

Despite all the new fines and control measures, the number of incidents involving Individual Mobility Devices (IMDs) has doubled compared to spring 2023. Why is this happening and how do authorities propose to improve the statistics?

What does the future hold for electric scooters, bicycles, and rollerblades in light of the increasing number of road accidents?
Photo: AGN “Moscow”

In 2023, traffic rules for IMDs were introduced. This year, electric scooters have been equipped with license plates. However, the number of accidents is not decreasing. Therefore, calls to ban scooters continue to be heard. But Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin has a different opinion. This week he stated that a compromise is needed: scooters should not be banned, but stricter control over those who ride them is required.

Some proactive citizens decided not to wait for this moment. This week, a photo appeared online with speed bumps set up on the sidewalk in the Vykhino-Zhulebino area. According to the picture, there are four speed bumps placed one after the other next to a fenced building. It is unknown who installed them, but opinions are divided. Some support the initiative, while others are outraged, as it creates additional difficulties, especially for wheelchair users and parents with young children in strollers.

Effectiveness of this measure is questioned by the “Electroclub” community representative and Head of the Center for Individual Mobility, Mikhail Denisov:

Mikhail Denisov
representative of the “Electroclub” community, Head of the Center for Individual Mobility

According to experts, the most common accidents involve those who make various maneuvers and do not follow traffic rules. This includes rental IMD users and couriers.

According to Sobyanin, control is carried out by the police and city services, who, with the help of cameras and AI systems, identify violators. Experts note that the process is ongoing. However, despite the open portal where photos of violations can be submitted and thousands of fines issued, the number of violators is not decreasing.

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Furthermore, the question arises within society of whether bicycles and rollerblades should be included in the IMD concept, as a significant number of accidents also involve them. For example, a rollerblader in the Tushino park area in Moscow knocked down an 88-year-old woman walking her dog. He did not notice the thin leash and rode through it at speed. The elderly woman fell and hit her head, and she is currently in a coma. The rollerblader fled, and the police are looking for him.

According to Director of the National Public Movement for Traffic Safety Sergey Kanaev, there is currently a lack of clear control over personal identification. Only kick-sharing companies with their fine systems and subsequent blocking are effective. Others understand that they are not being monitored and violate rules with impunity, and as it is known, impunity leads to irresponsibility.

Sergey Kanaev
Sergey Kanaev
Director of the National Public Movement for Traffic Safety

As for cyclists, expanding the network of bike paths, which many advocate for, probably won’t help. According to experts, the most effective solution to the problem is to ride along the shoulder in the far right lane.

Moscow resident Andrey says that he has fears more as a cyclist than as a driver. According to him, problems are often related to a low level of legal culture and inattentiveness of drivers. It is understandable that drivers do not like cyclists, but in large cities, especially in Moscow and its surroundings, this is a reality.

Director of the National Public Movement for Traffic Safety Sergey Kanaev recalls the years 2013-2014, when they raised this issue. Back then, everyone laughed at them. They responded, “perhaps it’s very funny now, but in ten years, this problem will significantly affect road safety.”

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