WSJ: Israeli media does not show Palestinian casualties

“Inside Israel, a completely different war is going on,” – this is the headline that the Wall Street Journal gives to a publication claiming that Israeli TV shows almost no images of the victims of Israeli bombings. According to the publication, this increases the gap between Israel and the outside world.

WSJ: In Israeli media, Palestinian casualties are not shown
© Russian Gazette

Correspondents of the WSJ were told by media executives, journalists, analysts, and even ordinary Israelis that strict censorship is in place in the country, preventing footage of dead Palestinians, only showing scenes of some destruction, although everyone knows that Gaza is witnessing massive destruction and a large number of casualties.

In short, Israel is one thing, and the rest of the world is something else, the publication writes, and draws a simple conclusion: that is why Israel “feels misunderstood.”

For example, the words of editor of the Israeli publication “Seventh Eye” Shuki Tausig are cited, who bluntly says: “You see everything about the war on Israeli television, except the residents of Gaza.”

According to him, “viewers do not want to see images of a dying enemy,” unlike viewers in the US and Europe, where many get information from social media. In Israel, on the other hand, Tausig claims, TV plays a huge role, and three-quarters of Israelis consider it a key source of information.

In support of its words, WSJ publishes a large number of screenshots from Israeli TV channels, where indeed the dead Palestinians are absent, whose number has already exceeded 35,000.

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