Category: Expats

We support Expats with consultation and services (some are free-of-charge) :

1. Immigration policies and changes affecting expats;
2. Cultural differences and challenges faced by expats living in Russia;
3. Tax regulations and financial considerations for expats;
4. Healthcare options and access for expats living in Russia;
5. Job opportunities and career development for expats in Russia;
6. Safety and security concerns for expats living in Russia;
7. Community events and support networks for expats;
8. Tips and advice for adjusting to life as an expat (renting & buying properties, cars; investments opportunities; assistance of lawyers and solicitors; affordable and secury travel destinations; parties and celebrations);
9. Profiles of successful expats and their experiences living in Russia;
10. Updates on global events and how they impact expat communities;
11. Etc.

Feel free to contact us via Contact page (CLICK HERE), leave your contact details and we will be in-touch ASAP.

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