Investments in commercial real estate in Russia dropped by at least 18%

Investors are refusing to purchase commercial real estate properties due to the high cost of loans after the refinancing rate was raised to 16%, say experts interviewed by “Vedomosti”. The tightening of financial resources really affects the strategy of many companies, which are postponing and may continue to postpone the purchase of assets in the medium term, said NF Group partner Stanislav Bibik. IBC Real Estate board member Mikael Kazaryan also calls this a “restraining factor” for many players. Due to the high key rate, many investors are really scrutinizing each deal “almost under a magnifying glass” and are not rushing to conclude such transactions, confirms Natalia Tishendorf, managing partner of Alto Real Estate Fund. Moreover, in her opinion, the results of the first two months could have been even lower. The fact is that several deals were postponed to January-February, which were originally supposed to be closed at the end of last year, leading to relatively high performance.

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