Investments in hotel real estate break records

In the first quarter of 2024, the share of investments in hotel real estate in the total volume of investments in commercial properties in Russia was 11%. This is stated in the report of the consulting company IBC Real Estate. According to their data, Russian companies spent a total of 9.2 billion rubles on the acquisition of hotels in January-March. The share itself was a record for the beginning of the year since 2015, when investments in hotels accounted for 20% (626 million rubles). For comparison: in the first quarter of 2023, this indicator was only 6% in the structure of all investments in commercial real estate, although the amount of investments was significantly higher – 41.9 billion rubles. This leap in the IBC Real Estate report is explained by one major deal: the AFK Sistema structure acquired the network of Wenaasgruppen Hotels from Norway in Russia. In 2022, even less was spent on hotels – 4% (6.8 billion rubles), and the year before – only 2% (2.1 billion rubles), as stated in the report.

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