Why is there water in batteries during the summer?

In most cities in Russia, residential apartment buildings are heated by hot water that flows through pipes of a central heating system. The water is heated to a high temperature by either CHPs or city boiler houses. After the end of the heating season, the water is no longer heated, but it does not drain from the radiators. Why is there water in the radiators even in the summer – investigated by aif.ru.

Experts from Moscow’s urban infrastructure complex answered this question:

“At the end of the heating season, central or individual heat points stop heating the heat carrier in the radiators. During this time, there may be a temptation to drain the water from the radiators. However, such actions can negatively affect the performance of the radiators. The heat carrier is poured into the pipes and radiators in such a way as to fill the space inside completely. This eliminates the presence of air and prevents its further penetration into the system. When oxygen enters the radiator, the process of rust formation is accelerated in those areas where it comes into contact with the surface. Radiators are generally susceptible to corrosion, but high alkali content in the heat carrier and isolation from the air help slow down this process. If water is drained involuntarily, the risk of rust formation increases.”

The utility service reminds that only an employee of the managing organization can drain water during the planned replacement of radiators and pipes, as well as in case of emergency. To call a technician, it is necessary to contact the dispatch service and submit a request.

Can you drain the water from radiators yourself?

Unauthorized draining of water from the heating system is prohibited. This can lead to additional costs and negatively affect the performance of the radiators, warned the Moscow urban infrastructure complex.

“Sometimes residents try to independently adjust the operation of the heating system – using Mayevsky valves or draining water from the radiator. This should not be done for several reasons. When water is drained involuntarily, the overall temperature in the entire house’s heating system decreases. As a result, there is imbalance, the residents of other floors suffer, the radiators in their apartments become cold. Moreover, this leads to additional costs – the system replenishes the necessary volume of water, therefore, overall housing expenses increase,” – explained the Moscow urban infrastructure complex on the official website of the mayor’s office.

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