Plastic surgery is usually associated with something very expensive and inaccessible. However, as specialists say, it is not always necessary to spend huge amounts on beauty – there are quite budget options. Plastic surgeon Alexander Vdovin tells how to improve your appearance with the help of plastic surgery and stay within a limited budget.
When famous people talk about their transformation through plastic surgery, staggering amounts in the tens of millions of rubles are often mentioned. Does any plastic surgery really cost such serious money?
Actually, much depends on what exactly you have decided to change in your appearance. Because among plastic surgeries, there are some that are sometimes comparable in cost to certain hardware procedures. And this does not mean that you will be operated on by an intern, using the cheapest materials. No, these operations are just initially cheaper than others. Here are some of them.
Blepharoplasty – from 100 thousand rubles
Changing the shape of the eyelids, or blepharoplasty, is considered one of the most popular operations. This is quite understandable: its cost is relatively low – around 100,000 rubles. It is fairly short in duration (from 40 minutes to two hours), with a short rehabilitation period (from 7 to 20 days), and the results are very noticeable and last up to 10 years.
During the operation, the doctor makes small incisions in the eyelid folds or on the inner surface, after which excess skin, fat, and muscle tissue is removed (or redistributed).
Removal of Bichat fat pads – from 50 thousand rubles
Sometimes, even if a person loses weight significantly, they may still have chubby cheeks. Unfortunately, this cannot be corrected by exercises and diets. In such cases, the operation to remove the Bichat fat pads is recommended – encapsulated fat deposits in the cheek area that significantly weigh down the face and make it visually larger or rounder.
During the operation, the doctor makes incisions in the inner mucous membrane and removes these fat capsules. The rehabilitation period lasts two to three weeks and does not require adherence to any strict regimen or rules.
Brow lift surgery – from 130 thousand rubles
Lifting the eyebrows is one of the top five popular plastic surgeries. It will help if you observe sagging eyebrows, wrinkles on the forehead, and between the eyebrows. Thanks to surgical intervention, the muscles responsible for wrinkles on the forehead and support of the brow ridges are tightened. As a result, the patient gets a more open look, and the wrinkles on the forehead become less noticeable (or disappear altogether). This operation, in addition to its low cost, has several other obvious advantages: low trauma, a short recovery period, and a good visual effect.
Dao resection – from 30 thousand rubles
Heiloplasty, or lip plastic surgery, is an invasive correction of sagging mouth corners. The so-called marionette lines, which extend from the corners of the mouth downwards, add age to any face. Often, to solve this problem, people resort to injection techniques. But surgery is more effective because it preserves the natural appearance of the face and has a long-lasting effect. At the same time, the lips gain volume and elasticity. The surgeon makes a tiny incision, through which the vertical muscle fibers DAO are isolated and dissected to the level of the subcutaneous fat tissue. With this intervention, there is minimal risk of complications, side effects, recurrences, a short rehabilitation period, and a low price.
In any case, if you decide to make changes, a consultation with a specialist is necessary, who will select the appropriate type of surgery and calculate the cost.