The appearance of a double chin is an unpleasant phenomenon that irritates many people. It is usually associated with weight, but sometimes the reasons for its appearance are quite unexpected. In this case, regular weight loss will not help. Doctor-osteopath Vladimir Zhivotov explained what exactly causes it and how to deal with it on
What do a big belly and a double chin have in common? I’m sure many will answer incorrectly. The answer lies in the fact that stereotypes are very common regarding both the belly and the chin, as their appearance is considered a result of excess weight and obesity. When people develop a belly, everyone rushes to go on a diet and work out their abs. When it comes to a double chin, people also think they need to lose weight urgently. And just like in the case of a belly, this doesn’t have the desired effect.
There is a parallel between the belly and the chin: they are both in the front. The chin is located in the lower part of the face. The belly is located in the lower part of the body. But while in the case of the belly, the true cause is not accumulated fat but organ prolapse, the origin of the double chin is related to fluid retention. So, in reality, it’s not always fat. It’s an excess of fluids that accumulate in the tissues, primarily lymph.
Why doesn’t everyone accumulate lymph?
This happens because a person has previously experienced a head injury that led to the displacement of bones, which worsens blood circulation. Also, trauma and bone displacement lead to tension in the muscles of the neck and face, which compress the vessels and cause fluid to accumulate in the chin area.
What can be done to effectively get rid of a double chin?
The best option is to find a good specialist who will correct the injury, release tension in the soft tissues, and thus help improve fluid regulation. It should be emphasized that only a qualified specialist can eliminate the consequences of the injury. It is impossible to remove the consequences of the injury on your own.
A person can improve circulation on their own by doing stretching and relaxing exercises for the neck. This helps visually improve the situation, but the effect will only be noticeable as long as you do these exercises regularly. If you stop, everything will return to its original state because the exercises do not address the root cause, the main problem that caused the double chin to appear.
It is optimal when a doctor works while the patient performs exercises independently. Together, this yields the best result!
What neck exercises can you recommend to reduce a double chin?
First and foremost, it is necessary to incorporate gentle muscle stretching into daily routines. To stretch the muscles, we must stretch the areas to which they attach. At the same time, the muscles that run from the neck to the shoulder girdle, shoulder blades, shoulders, and collarbones are also stretched.
Slightly pull your head to the side, while pulling down your shoulder. You can slightly turn your head forward, backward, stretching different muscle areas. There should be a slight tension between them. It should not be maximal! Be gentle with yourself to avoid injury.
To stretch the front of the neck, pull your chin up and both hands down. Then stretch the neck muscles using your hands.
Stretch the muscles with the palms of your hands, using your head as a support – by moving your head, stretch the muscle from under your hands. Press the palms of your hands firmly against the bottom edge of the occipital bone. Move your head to pull the muscle from under the palms and thus stretch the muscles. Stretch the muscles under the palms along the back, along the sides of the neck. Transitioning to the front of the neck, alternately fix your hands on the chest, collarbones, and stretch the front of the neck by moving your head back and pushing your chin forward.
The neck muscles become more relaxed and stretched. At the end of the exercise, gently stroke the neck from top to bottom with the movements of your hands.
The neck is a very delicate area. Perform any exercise on it extremely carefully! Reduce your efforts by half from what you would like to apply and enjoy consistently good results. If something worries you, seek advice from a specialist.