People are divided into those who are categorically against using medications for a runny nose, and those who, on the contrary, cannot do without nasal sprays. Who is right and how to treat a runny nose correctly?
Otolaryngologist, phoniatrist, assistant professor at the department of pediatric otolaryngology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education (RMAPGE), candidate of medical sciences Darya Kharina.
The use of folk remedies for treating a runny nose is not always effective, and in some cases it can be dangerous. The main task in treating this most common disease during the epidemic season is not to interfere with the nose’s ability to fight the infection on its own. And for this, you need to remember some simple rules.
Maintain air cleanliness and a good level of humidity
As long as the mucus remains liquid, the nose works properly, but once the mucosa dries out, local immunity decreases, and infectious agents begin to multiply. Central heating in homes and lack of humid cleaning worsen the condition of the mucosa. Conversely, using air humidifiers, regular ventilation, frequent humid cleaning, and outdoor walks improve the situation. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can simply place bowls of water near the radiators.
However, various diseases – autoimmune, endocrine, and others – can also reduce the local immunity of the nasal mucosa.
Massage your nasal sinuses
The more often, the better. This will help improve blood circulation and facilitate blowing your nose. By the way, it’s important to blow your nose correctly, by holding one nostril closed. Blowing your nose through both nostrils can lead to otitis.
Do targeted massage several times a day
Close your eyes and massage the active points in a circle with your index fingers in the following sequence: points under the wings of the nose, at the outer corners of the eyes, between the eyebrows, above the ears. Perform 3 cycles of massage in a row, and then repeat after 10 minutes.
Gently clean the nasal cavity
Isotonic seawater solutions (Rhinostop Aqua, Aqua Maris Strong, Quix) are suitable for this. As for vasoconstrictor agents (Rinofluimucil, Xymelin, Vibrocil, etc.), they can only be used if there are no contraindications, and should be used according to the instructions – 2-3 times a day for no more than 5 days. Overuse of vasoconstrictor drugs can lead to rebound congestion – swelling will persist constantly, requiring more and more drops.
Use complex natural origin remedies from the very first days of illness
They act on all links in the development of rhinitis, providing anti-inflammatory, antisecretory, and secretolytic action, reducing nasal discharge, reducing swelling, and thus allowing less frequent use of vasoconstrictor agents. Natural remedies (for example, Corisalia) are suitable even for children from one and a half years old at both the initial and advanced stages of rhinitis. Take them on the first day with 1 tablet every hour, then every 2 hours. Less often in the following days.
Readers’ tips
Grate raw beets on a fine grater, squeeze the juice and put 2-3 drops in each nostril 3 times a day.
Prepare a mixture of two parts carrot juice, two parts honey, and one part propolis tincture. Put 3 drops in each nostril twice a day.