Bronchial asthma is a chronic condition. It is most common among children. Various factors can trigger exacerbations.
What is asthma?
It is an allergic disease that causes recurrent episodes of breathlessness. They are caused by diffuse impairment of bronchial patency due to the localization of allergic reactions in the bronchial tissues. Asthma is a genetic disease. The disease can develop due to internal and external factors. Internal factors include genetic factors, while external factors include allergens, tobacco smoke, dust, animal hair, and pollen. The risk of asthma in children is 2.5 times higher if one parent has the disease, and 6.6 times higher if both parents have it.
Cold air, emotional excitement, and physical exertion can also trigger asthma.
Can household cleaning trigger asthma?
Pulmonologist Alexander Chuchalin noted that there are diseases that arise from a person’s living environment.
“There is even a general term called Sick building syndrome. Among other things, bronchial asthma is highlighted, where the allergen is the so-called household dust. This is a colloquial term that refers to dust mites, which are allergens for humans, and during cleaning, exacerbation of bronchial asthma can occur,” shared the doctor.
To avoid this, it is important to ventilate the room well during cleaning and for at least an hour afterward.