Which type of lichen is more contagious – red, pink, or multicolored?

Which type of lichen is more contagious – red, pink, or multicolored?

Lichen is an unpleasant disease of fungal or viral origin. All types of lichen are similar: they manifest as spots and eruptions, and are prone to flaking and itching. According to statistics, among every 100 thousand people, 15 people suffer from lichen.

What are the types of lichen?

There are seven varieties of the disease. The only common feature among all is the recurrent course. Varieties of lichen caused by fungal or viral infection are very contagious and put everyone close at risk.

Lichen appears with hormonal problems, as well as with stress and insufficient personal hygiene. The disease can also occur after infections, disruptions in the nervous system, or in complex ecological situations in the place of residence.

The main symptoms of lichen are fever, itching, red or pink eruptions, skin peeling in affected areas, and sometimes small blisters.

Flat red lichen is not dangerous in terms of infection.

Gibert’s pink lichen can be triggered by herpes and streptococcus viruses. Some dermatologists claim that pink lichen can be transmitted even with brief contact with a sick person.

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