Brussels sprouts, known for its numerous health benefits and rich vitamin content, is a popular ingredient in various dishes. However, the advantages of this vegetable, such as its potassium and fiber content, can have a negative impact on people with certain underlying health conditions.
Who should avoid eating Brussels sprouts?
For example, it is better for individuals with gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase, such as ulcers, gastritis, or other inflammatory processes, to avoid large amounts of fiber. For a healthy individual, it is important to observe the recommended consumption of this vegetable and not overeat, as it can cause bloating. Integrative nutritionist Ulyana Belikova mentioned to “Sport-Express” that bloating and gas formation from Brussels sprouts are more likely to occur in people with an intolerance to the enzyme raffinose.
This type of cabbage is rich in vitamin K, which helps in the formation of prothrombin, aiding in better blood clotting. As a result, individuals taking anticoagulants to reduce blood clotting and prevent thrombus formation should avoid this product.
Goitrogens and indoles in this cabbage hinder iodine absorption, so individuals with thyroid problems are better off avoiding the product.
The vegetable contains substances that contribute to the accumulation of uric acid crystals. Therefore, it is not advisable to include Brussels sprouts in the diet of individuals with gouty arthritis.