Why it is harmful to go on diets in spring? | Healthy lifestyle | Health

Why you shouldn’t be obsessed with diets in spring?

In spring, the body experiences a serious hypovitaminosis, i.e. a deficiency of vitamins and other beneficial substances. Therefore, during this period it is important to eat a varied and balanced diet, which is very difficult to achieve while being on a restrictive diet.

Furthermore, the Rospotrebnadzor does not recommend following a vegetarian diet in spring. To replenish valuable substances, it is necessary to eat meat and animal products at least three to four times a week. In addition to complete proteins, they contain fats and extractive substances that stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, leading to better digestion and metabolism normalization.

Which foods help replenish the deficiency of beneficial substances?

Among the most important micronutrients are calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, and zinc, as noted by Rospotrebnadzor. Calcium is found in dairy products, figs, and other dried fruits. Iron-rich foods include meat, beans, buckwheat, liver, egg yolks, dried fruits, and chocolate. Iodine can be obtained from seafood and iodized salt. Magnesium is acquired through the consumption of bananas, whole grain products, potatoes, cocoa, and poultry. Zinc is present in fish, persimmons, cheese, beef, and pork.

In spring, it is recommended to limit the consumption of coffee and alcohol and drink as many fruit drinks, compotes made from frozen berries and fruits, and green tea as possible.

Fruits and vegetables should be included in the daily diet. They contain valuable fiber that helps eliminate toxins from the body. However, they do not retain as many vitamins, so adding vitamins and micronutrients in the form of supplements can be beneficial.

Experts advise to start preparing for spring from the end of winter: during this period, start taking fish oil – either in its natural form or with various mineral supplements that the body lacks. And at the end of March or in April, you can switch to taking multivitamins. The dosages and duration of intake should be determined by a doctor.


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