Why you shouldn’t store cosmetics in the bathroom?

Only skin cleansing and makeup removal products can be stored in the bathroom. Other decorative cosmetics should be removed from the wet area after use. This was stated by “Moskva 24” cosmetologist Elena Romanenko.

Why many cosmetic products should not be stored in the bathroom?

According to the dermatologist, constant temperature and humidity changes in the bathroom create conditions for the growth of unwanted microflora in cosmetics. This affects the physicochemical properties of the products.

Furthermore, as the doctor explained, temperature, humidity, and light affect the shelf life of cosmetics. If the storage conditions of the products are not met, they will spoil earlier than the stated shelf life (indicated on the packaging as an open jar icon with a recommended usage time, e.g. 6M (6 months), 12M (one year), 24M (two years), etc.).

Where else should you not store cosmetics?

Romanenko also mentioned that storing cosmetics in the kitchen would be unsuitable. Additionally, it is not advisable to leave products near a heater, on a windowsill, or on open surfaces, noted the doctor.

Where is the best place to store cosmetics?

The optimal storage temperature for most skincare products is considered to be +15…+25 °C, stated the cosmetologist. She recommends storing cosmetics on a vanity table, protected from direct sunlight and high humidity.

If the room temperature exceeds 25 degrees, Romanenko suggests moving cosmetics to the refrigerator door, where the temperature is 12 degrees. However, she warns that products with a thick consistency should not be stored in the refrigerator, as their texture may change under low temperatures, leading to decreased effectiveness. It is justified to store products with an organic composition and minimal preservatives in the refrigerator, added the cosmetologist.


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