“Double Blind” – Irish Horror Quest Movie
In the Russian rental – “Claustrophobes: Insomnia”, a horror film from Ireland, devoid, however, of national color and originality, but still worthy of watching before bedtime. Seven strangers sign a…
News in Russia. Constantly updated. Telegram: @expatsnewsru
In the Russian rental – “Claustrophobes: Insomnia”, a horror film from Ireland, devoid, however, of national color and originality, but still worthy of watching before bedtime. Seven strangers sign a…
“Kommersant FM” observer Alexander Levi talks about the features of aerogel, from which the accessory of the Coperni brand is made. A wonderful illustration of the phrase “money from air”…
Experts in the tourism industry believe that the format of traveling, allowing to visit several cities in a short period of time, will be popular among Russians. Russian Railways announced…
The average cost of making pancakes for Maslenitsa is 183 rubles, with residents of the Stavropol Krai being the least expensive, according to data from the company “Evotor.” © News.ru…
Russian gastronomy is recognized for its variety and substantial dishes, along with its distinct customs and celebratory cuisine, not to mention Russia’s renowned vodkas. The primary Russian delicacies Russian gastronomy…