Hackers attacked more than 19 million smartphones in the first quarterImage © ExpatNews.RU

Hackers attacked more than 19 million users of mobile devices in the first quarter of 2024, which is 5.2 times more than in the same period in 2023, according to Izvestia referring to Kaspersky Lab data. According to cybersecurity expert Dmitry Kalinin, the most common cyber threats were viruses Dwphon and Mamont, collecting personal data of owners.

“Usually, attackers distribute viruses disguised as legitimate software on third-party platforms. Some variants are also found in built-in stores. However, in the case of Dwphon, the victim receives the infected device straight out of the box, that is, by buying it in a store,” Mr. Kalinin explained.

He explained that the Dwphon virus collects information about the infected device and the installed applications. With this virus, cybercriminals can download various programs onto devices without the user’s knowledge. The Mamont virus is a program through which hackers lure users’ payment data, allowing access to SMS messages on the smartphone.

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