Rospotrebnadzor has given parents some advice on buying tickets to camps. The department published them on its Telegram channel.
First, make sure that the camp is included in the registry of organizers of children’s recreation and health improvement. Only organizations that have received sanitary-epidemiological conclusions on compliance with sanitary legislation requirements are included in it.
“Staying in an unauthorized health camp can be dangerous to the health of your child,” explain at Rospotrebnadzor.
Secondly, before purchasing a ticket, find out the location of the camp and its transport accessibility.
Thirdly, pay attention to the reviews of parents and children who have already vacationed there.
Fourthly, remember to sign a contract, and before signing it, carefully read the terms.
The department also reminded that among the main documents necessary for a child at the camp are a ticket, a birth certificate or passport; a copy of the medical insurance policy; medical certificates in the form of Nº079/u and about the absence of contacts with infectious patients. Both should be obtained at the polyclinic at the place of residence, but the latter – three days before the child’s departure. Also, test results are required.